Microsoft Project Tutorial What You Can Learn

Microsoft Project Tutorial What You Can Learn

Welcome to the world of project management! Whether you’re a business owner who needs to keep track of employees’ time or a student who wants to organize your class schedule, Microsoft Project can help. In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to create and manage projects in Microsoft Project 2019.


Microsoft Project Tutorial is a project management software application. It is used to manage projects and resources, as well as schedule tasks within those projects. Microsoft Project is a good tool for managing projects in organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations.

Create a New Project

Now that you have a basic understanding of project management, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into practice. In this section, we’ll walk through creating your first Microsoft Project file. First things first–open up the Microsoft Project Tutorial by going to File > New and selecting Blank Project from the list of templates presented to you. You will be presented with a blank canvas where you can start adding tasks and resources!

Importing Data

You can import data into Microsoft Project from an Excel file or a text file. You can also use a web query to import data from the Internet, such as stock prices and weather reports.

To import an Excel file into Microsoft Project, follow these steps:

  • In the Import dialog box, click Other Formats on the left side of the window and then select Excel Workbook (*.xlsx; *.xlsm).
  • Navigate to your Excel workbook on your computer’s hard drive and click Open; then click OK when prompted to save changes made in this workbook before importing them into Microsoft Project.

Organizing a Microsoft Project Tutorial

As you begin to create your own lessons, it’s important to understand how Microsoft Project can be organized. The following sections will explain the differences between each type of object and provide examples of how they are used.

  • Hierarchy/Schedule: This is an outline that shows which tasks need to be completed before other tasks can start. This structure helps you manage projects by breaking down large projects into smaller ones that can be assigned individual due dates or milestones in order for them to finish on time.
  • Baseline: A baseline is created when all team members have approved their work as complete and ready for review by management or clients (if applicable). Once this happens, any changes made after this point will not update until there is another change made within the project plan itself–meaning you won’t have any unexpected surprises come deadline day!

Learn About the Basics of Project Management

Project management is the practice of planning and organizing resources to achieve specific goals. It can be applied to any project, from personal tasks like getting a new job or running errands, to large-scale endeavors like building bridges or developing new technologies.

A project’s success depends on how well you plan for each step of the process. The first step in planning any project is determining its scope–what needs to be done, who will do it and when? Once you have this information nailed down, you’ll need to break up your project into smaller chunks called iterations (or sprints). At each iteration/sprint point in time there are three main things that need attention:

  • Requirements gathering – Gathering all necessary requirements from stakeholders before beginning work on this phase/iteration
  • Designing – Creating blueprints that define how exactly something should look when finished (i.e., wireframes)


Microsoft Project is a powerful tool for project management. It allows you to create a schedule and organize your tasks in order to complete them on time. It also allows you to import data from other programs such as Excel or Word, so that everything stays organized in one place. This tutorial will teach you how to use Microsoft Project for managing projects at work or school.