Digital Electronics Circuits You Must Know

Digital Electronics Circuits You Must Know

Digital electronics circuits are all around us. They’re in our phones and laptops, they run our cars and they allow us to watch movies without any hassle. But how do they work? This article will explain the basics of digital electronics circuits, what makes them special, and even show you some examples of them!

Digital Electronics Circuits Basics

Digital electronics circuits are based on Boolean algebra, a mathematical system that has been used to represent the fundamental principles of digital electronics. In Boolean algebra, two values are used: true and false. A circuit is considered to be “on” when its output is high (1) or active; otherwise it is said to be “off” or inactive. The term “active low” means that when an input device is activated by pressing down on a button or moving some other mechanical component in some way, then its output will go low (0). When this happens with an active-high device such as an LED light bulb connected across two batteries, then turning off the power source results in both positive sides being connected together so that current cannot flow through them anymore (the bulb goes out).

Based on Boolean Algebra

You may have heard the term Boolean algebra and wondered what it means. In a nutshell, Boolean algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with logic. Digital electronics circuits are based on Boolean algebra and they use three basic operations: AND, OR and NOT. These operations are represented by + (plus), * (multiply) and ‘(‘ parentheses).

A gate can be expressed as an equation using these symbols where each variable represents an input or output from another gate in the circuit. For example: A quick note about circuits with multiple inputs/outputs: You’ll frequently see them written like this: `(a + b)’ which means “add up all possible combinations of `a’ + `b’ and then give them back out.”

Boolean Algebra and Its Basic Operations

Boolean algebra is a system of logic that has been used in the design of digital electronics circuits. It was developed by George Boole in 1854 and deals with propositions that can be true or false. Boolean algebra uses variables to represent these two states, usually denoted as 1 (true) and 0 (false). The basic operations performed on these variables are AND, OR, NOT and XOR.

The Gates of Digital Electronics Circuits

In digital electronics circuits, there are four basic gates. These are the AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, and NAND gate. The AND and OR gates are used to make decisions on whether or not an input is true or false respectively. The NOT gate takes an input and turns it into its opposite (i.e., if you apply a positive voltage to one side of this device then it’ll output a negative voltage). The NAND and NOR gates are used in conjunction with other logic gates to create complex operations like addition or multiplication (this can be done by combining two 2-input NANDs).

Truth Tables in Digital Electronics Circuits

Truth tables are used to show the relationship between logic gates. They can also be used to show the relationship between the inputs and outputs of any digital circuit. Truth tables are used in digital electronics circuits as a way of showing how a particular output changes with different combinations of input signals. The truth table below shows what happens when we have one input signal (A) and two possible values for another input signal (B). In this case, there are four possible combinations of values: A=0, B=0; A=0, B=1; A=1, B=0; or A=1, B=1.


The world of electronics is a fascinating one, and it’s always changing. New technologies are being developed all the time, which means that there are always new things for you to learn about. The good news is that this means there will always be something new for you to work on! Electronic circuits can be found everywhere around us–from our phones and computers to traffic lights and even toys for children.